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Mother Goose fairy tales and nursery rhymes have been popular in the United States for many years as songs, rhyming chants, and lesson stories. The following series of nursery rhyme coloring pages contains a coloring page drawing of a popular rhyme and multiple choice options to identify the character shown.

Humpty Dumpty  Nursery Rhyme Coloring page

These Nursery Rhymes Quiz Coloring pages are intended to be printed and given to the students as a fun way to let them color their favorite Nursery Rhyme character and feel the accomplishment of circling the correct answer, which helps prepare them for future multiple choice format material.

There are additional pages on our site that contain the entire verbage of each Nursery Rhyme and pages that associate this or similar immagery with each character. A popular teaching technique is to have students pick their favorite character, color a page, and recite their favorite rhyme to the class. The teacher can make this into an activity over several days and post the colored pictures.